Phone +44 023 456 789
Address: 8951 Dolvan Street - New York
You can also call: +1 224 6787 004 to make a reservation.
Rodich is known for its fabulous taste and food. Anywhere you go your hunger is satisfied. They give best fried chicken and burgers those are yummy.
I have visited this fantastic restaurant on several occasions, Rodich's food is absolutely outstanding and the attention to detail is in league of its own.
A beautiful restaurant with a lovely bar and intimate dining area. Food is sensational, exciting, highly innovative, the service is friendly & professional.
The people, food and the prime locations make Rodich the perfect place good friends & family to come together and have great time. Everytime you perfectly dine with us, it should happy for great inspired food in an environment designed with individual touches unique to the local area.