Style One

JWell the first thing you know old Jeds a millionaire. Kinfolk said Jed move away from there. Here he comes Here comes Speed Racer. He’s a demon on wheels. As long as we live its you and me baby. As long as we live its you and me baby. There ain’t nothing wrong with that. And when the odds are against him and their dangers work to do. You bet your life Speed Racer he will see it through.

JWell the first thing you know old Jeds a millionaire. Kinfolk said Jed move away from there. Here he comes Here comes Speed Racer. He’s a demon on wheels. As long as we live its you and me baby. As long as we live its you and me baby. There ain’t nothing wrong with that. And when the odds are against him and their dangers work to do. You bet your life Speed Racer he will see it through.

Style Two

UCaliforney is the place you ought to be So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. Hills that is. Swimming pools movie stars. Why do we always come here. I guess well never know. Its like a kind of torture to have to watch the show. Sunny Days sweeping the clouds away. On my way to where the air is sweet. Can you tell me how to get how to get to Sesame Street.

UCaliforney is the place you ought to be So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. Hills that is. Swimming pools movie stars. Why do we always come here. I guess well never know. Its like a kind of torture to have to watch the show. Sunny Days sweeping the clouds away. On my way to where the air is sweet. Can you tell me how to get how to get to Sesame Street.

Style Three

SThe movie star the professor and Mary Ann here on Gilligans Isle. Here he comes Here comes Speed Racer. He’s a demon on wheels. The mate was a mighty sailin’ man the Skipper brave and sure. Five passengers set sail that day for a three hour tour a three hour tour. Till the one day when the lady met this fellow and they knew it was much more than a hunch. Well we are moving on up to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky.

SThe movie star the professor and Mary Ann here on Gilligans Isle. Here he comes Here comes Speed Racer. He’s a demon on wheels. The mate was a mighty sailin’ man the Skipper brave and sure. Five passengers set sail that day for a three hour tour a three hour tour. Till the one day when the lady met this fellow and they knew it was much more than a hunch. Well we are moving on up to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky.