Christian Bale

Christian Bale

Christian Bale


Co-Founder of Miss Possible and a student of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Over the years, Janna witnessed how painfully obvious the gender disparities in her classes and engineering jobs had become.

Creative partner network customer assets analytics bootstrapping business to hypotheses market business plan launch party client. Disruptive holyv grail value proposition gamification beta Co-Founder of Miss Possible and a student of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Over the years, Janna witnessed how painfully obvious the gender disparities in her classes and engineering jobs had become. Her goal was to see more girls building rockets, programming robots, making discoveries… and doing whatever else they want to do. He attributes this goal to launching the company, Miss Possible, because it is time to inspire girls to dream bigger.